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Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar MarLep » Mar 05 Oct 2010 21:12

Merci Denis!

Plus habile en speed qu'avec le macramé. Mais m'en va essaye à la prochaine autrement je te laisse la job. ;)

Plus un passionné qu'un spécialiste.

La particuliarité de Luderitz, c'est la force des vents créés par l'heureux mélange du désert et de l'océan. Basse pression et haute pression est la recette parfaite.

Le pattern du vent est presque toujours le même ( du S-SE) et en progression de jour en jour sur une période de 4-5 jours suivie d'un baisse de 2-3jours en temps "normal" si on peut dire.

L'orientation Off shore du vent est primordiale aussi avec un angle permettant de longer le bord en descente de 120 à 140 degrées. C'est du vrai downwind à plein régime. Des conditions que bin des freestylers aiment aussi et je les comprends. Plus facile de planter sur le flat que de se taper une vague sur la marboulette....

L'idée (brillante) de Cattelan du canal est de maximiser les runs lorsque la marée est basse, procurant une surface idéale pour l'accélération, ça va de soi. Et en même temps répondre aux normes de la WSSRC concernant la profondeur minimum pour les records.

Luderitz n'est pas le seul spot de speed sur la planète, mais le seul à date qui offre des conditions optimums et relativement assez prévisibles. Y a quand même une bonne marge de manoeuvre en étalant l'évent sur 1 mois, donc presque "garantie"qu'il va venté.....assez fort!
Messages: 144
Inscrit le: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 11:23

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar MarLep » Mar 05 Oct 2010 21:20

Désolé....pas eu le temps de faire du macramé encore. :?

Je viens de trouver ce que je cherchais. Quelques explications du créateur du Challenge:

Messages: 144
Inscrit le: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 11:23

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar tweeter » Mar 05 Oct 2010 21:49

wow le plus le fun c'est qu'on en a tout le mois à suivre ces singlés !! Le bull dans l'eau, pas ici qu'on verrait ça : ;)
Je maintiens mon 57 mais j'ai pas dit pour quelle année !
Dernière édition par tweeter le Mer 06 Oct 2010 07:18, édité 1 fois au total.
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Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar Denis » Mar 05 Oct 2010 21:50

MarLep a écrit:Désolé....pas eu le temps de faire du macramé encore. :?

Je viens de trouver ce que je cherchais. Quelques explications du créateur du Challenge:


pas de probleme je suis la pour ca ;-)

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Inscrit le: Sam 18 Sep 2010 01:56

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar KiteRider » Mar 05 Oct 2010 22:28

tweeter a écrit:Je maintiens mon 57 mais j'ai pas dit pour quelle année !

Ah, il triche. C'est pas du jeu. Ben d'abord moi non plus j'ai pas dit quelle année.

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Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar MarLep » Ven 08 Oct 2010 10:08

Journée de réchauffement:

8 Oct 2010 : 1st National Speed Record Smashed within 90 mins of the start of the 2010 Luderitz Speed Event!

Swedish windsurfer Anders Bringdal has set a new Swedish national windsurfing record after only 90 minutes into the first day of the event. The existing record was 41.96 and his official recorded speed today was 43 knots. Today was meant to be a day of training and warming up in anticipation for the big winds forecast for next week.

As predicted by the event organisers, Sebastian Cattelan and Sophie Routaboul, this event promises to be the most exciting speed sailing event in the history of the sport.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Messages: 144
Inscrit le: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 11:23

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar Denis » Ven 08 Oct 2010 10:21

Moi je continue de miser sur Sophie (aka Catwoman) qui ne fait du kite que depuis 2 ans ! wow. ... hread.aspx

Newcomer to the speed sailing circuit, Sophie Routaboul has already reached top speeds of just under 50 knots on her FIRST training session in Luderitz. Sophie, who has secured sponsorships from Xelerator Kiteboarding, Genetrix and Kitaddict is already being dubbed “Catwoman” – and this sassy lady plans to give the legendary “Catman” a run for his money!


Sophie is well known to many people in the European kiting and windsurfing communities as “The Voice behind the microphone” – she spends 6 months in Europe as a Commentator on many of the top European sailing events. Sophie spends the other 6 months in South Africa, where she also participates in the South African National Kitesurfing Tour. In 2009 she took part in the freestyle, race and wave disciplines – winning the Wave competition in Port Elizabeth.


Considering that Sophie has only been kiting for 2 years she has already achieved goals that many people take years to achieve. Her personal coach (and partner) is one of the best speed kiters in the world - Sebastian Cattelan. He currently holds the GPS speed record with 53.06 knots over 500m average.


Sophie explains that Luderitz is “THE SPOT for speed sailing!” All of the required conditions for speed come together here: flat water, the right angle, the “venturi” effect (which ensures strong, consistent wind) and the natural shape of the bay – long enough to make the required 500m speed run. Light winds in the morning make it a perfect spot for freestyle sessions.
Luderitz Bay, situated on the infamous Skeleton Coast, is a desolate place surrounded by diamond mines and wild desert animals. Sophie explains that it is the remoteness of the Namib Desert which makes the atmosphere of the Luderitz Speed Sailing Challenge unique - an incredible camaraderie exists between riders, combined with the energy of professional sporting competitiveness. As a competitor Sophie believes that it is necessary to tap into this energy in order to focus and not think about the dangers involved in speed sailing.


Sophie believes that for all professional sportspeople - men and women alike, to excel in any discipline the physical preparation is the most important part. She feels that it is not necessary to spend one’s time building muscle – the secret is not only in the ability to use ones strength, but the ability to adapt ones technique in order to get maximum performance from their equipment. Naturally a rider needs to have the strength to hold onto their kite in a 40 – 50 knot downwind and still be able to get upwind without hurting themselves in the process! This is why she uses the best professional speed kiting equipment available. Her “Hydra” kite is virtually flat, ensuring perfect performance.


When it comes to crashing (very spectacular and dramatic speed wipeouts have been recorded) – Sophie explains that you need to know how to fall and what to do with your kite and board in the process. It is not for the faint-hearted!

For the upcoming Luderitz Speed Event Sophie says that she is not fearful – rather she has feelings of intense excitement and anticipates that it will be a huge adrenalin rush. She is privileged to be participating in an event that is not only an adventure but where history is being made.

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Messages: 6750
Inscrit le: Sam 18 Sep 2010 01:56

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar MarLep » Mar 12 Oct 2010 18:12

Tel que prévu, l'Hydroptère viens de manger ces bobettes :lol:

C'est fait, manque juste d'être officialisé:

12 Oct 2010 : Tsunami Tuesday – Hydroptere Record Smashed!

It’s official – after today the Hydroptere is no longer the fastest sailing vessel. It’s previous record of 51.36 was broken numerous times today by Kite surfers!
2nd Lagoon Luderitz lived up to all expectations today with many new records being broken.

Scores of competitors dramatically improved on their Personal Best sailing speeds and 5 competitors reached 50 knots and more!
Winds of around 40 were recorded. The new Speed Channel is proving to be a definite winner for competitors. Once again the organizers of the Luderitz Speed Event have produced record breaking conditions for competitors to be recorded in the Speed Sailing Hall of Fame.

We are waiting for speeds to be officiated by the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WRSSC) to officiate these incredible new speed sailing times, which will be released later tonight.
We shall share these historical results with you as soon as the WRSCC officiates them!

Et directement d'un des riders:

Welcome to
Luderitz 2010
Written by Basil Cambanis
Saturday, 28 August 2010 06:38
12 October 2010 - Evening Edition

What a day, it had all the thrills and spills.

The wind nuked up to 47 knots, and right from the start it was apparent this would be a memorable day when Seb did the first run to test the canal out and clocked a 48.5 500m from a standing start near the start line. Shortly after this Alex and Seb nailed 50+ runs.

Unofficially (via word of mouth) Alex set a 53 knot 500m, so the outright record has returned to the kiters.
Seb (Catman) also clocked some insane speeds too; 52 or 53, same applies to Rob Douglas; Seb Salerno and Gavin Broadbend clocked 52 and 51 respectfully, so a big day in every respect. So 5 kiters clock over 50 knots today, 2 new kiters joined this exclusive club; namely Seb S. and Gavin, and they did it convincingly.
The standard was already high, but after today the yard stick grew considerably. What's mind boggling is that this was achieved on the 1st strong wind day, so just imagine what the target will be near the end of the event.
There will always be some kinks that need ironing out which attract criticism, but the canal more than proved its worth today.
No serious injuries were reported to my knowledge, the only injury to my knowledge was Tim Pumpa who smacked into his board with his chest at the end of the run, but he clocked an impressive 47.5 in the process.

I have mixed feelings about my performance today, I clocked a 44 something on my last run, so I'm pleased that I managed to improve upon my previous best on the 2nd day, and my speeds were getting faster despite the worsening conditions.
On the down side, these were epic conditions and worthy of better, I didn't have the confidence to go all out and the finish was on my mind throughout the run as it leaves very little margin for error. I was forced to loop my kite on 3 occasions to avoid ending up on the rocks at the finish, this is a really big deal for an inland guy. I also took my 9 thinking I could handle anything with it, but I was hauled mid-run a few times almost into the leeward bank which could have spelled disaster, in hind sight my 8 would have been the perfect choice - more control and confidence.
After a few more days of training I'll try to suck it up and plant a decent run. This canal is playing with my mind.

There is plenty more wind on way, so those of us that didn't shine today still have a chance to do so later in the event.
The wind this year looks to be a certainty and is more than making up for last year.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Messages: 144
Inscrit le: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 11:23

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar MarLep » Mar 12 Oct 2010 18:24

Petit journée de pratique d'un rider que Norm a déjà rencontré....Sylvain Hoceini. ... r_embedded
Messages: 144
Inscrit le: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 11:23

Re: Luderitz speed challenge - ça promet!

Messagepar admin » Mar 12 Oct 2010 18:28

video ajouté a la gallerie

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