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Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar Denis » Mer 23 Oct 2013 12:03

si vous avez un Volks blanc, etiez au Cap le 20 oct, 2 gars 1 fille, on vous recherche ??

si c'est un malentendu, et que vous n'etes pas ceux qui ont pris les 2 planches vous devriez quand meme en avertir les personnes pour que le doute s'estompe.

vu sur le forum anglais ... 3&p=814164

Sad day down here in OBX, two of my boards were lifted off the beach while we were packing up Sunday, 10/20. A 2013 North Team Series (twin tip, black, green fins, Vario straps, orange rails with green striped bottom) and 2012 Slingshot Pit 5'11" directional (bamboo wood with black rails, slingshot fins, strapless footpads) were picked from the beach while we were packing up and walking things to our cars on the road.

The setup for the situation was pretty simple, only two groups of kiters were left at the end of the day: our group and another group of three. Two of our group were walking gear to our cars, and me and a friend were packing our kites on the beach. The other group of three (two guys, one girl) drove a white VW onto the beach to pack their gear. The plates were Quebec, and from conversing with them on the beach, landing their kites, they seemed like standard French Canadian kiters down to enjoy the Hatteras sound.

My friend and I hopped over to the ocean side, leaving our packed up kites and boards in our pile on the beach for 10 minutes to watch a foil boarder do his thing on the ocean. He'd come in, so we chatted a bit before returning to finish packing. When we returned and packed the rest of the gear, I grabbed the last board I saw on the beach, my wakeskate. The white Quebec VW was gone. I didn't think much of it, as we had multiple people grabbing gear.

But after finishing packing I did a gear check, and discovered my two boards missing. Giving it the benefit of the doubt for an unintentional pickup, I waited a day, called local shops, etc. By the end of Monday, however, nothing had turned up, so I filed a report with park rangers/police. Given the circumstances, we are fairly confident in saying we are looking for the White VW GTI/hatchback with Quebec plates to ask about the boards. If anyone is town this week or sees such boards up or floating around, I'd greatly appreciate a shout out. Park police gave me a number to call if we (or anyone) sees the White VW with three people: two white, fit males with short brown hair, and one white nondescript slim female.
Here is park police number: 252-473-3444

Please reply to this post with any info, PM me, or call the humber above if you see such a car, my boards, all of the above, etc. This might not be the most proper venue for posting about such incidents, but the locals here seriously do not like when boards get lifted, so we're hoping to track them down and rectify the situation.

Thanks, shootout to Real, Kitty Hawk Kites, and Jay Crawford of Outer Banks Kiting for putting up alerts locally.
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Messages: 6750
Inscrit le: Sam 18 Sep 2010 01:56

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar PML » Mer 23 Oct 2013 12:23

Pour vente rapide !

Volk GTI blanc 25 000$
North Team Serie 500 $
Slingshot Surf 500 $

Ozone Zephyr et LiteWave 176X25 !
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Messages: 151
Inscrit le: Sam 16 Juil 2011 07:34

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar jplecruguel » Mer 23 Oct 2013 16:06

J ai deja croisé une gti blanche recente.
A cartier ou chateauguay ou les 2.
J ai un vague souvenir de crossbow blanche ou beige clair. Plus trop certain si c'etait la meme personne. Gti et crossbow.
30 ans. Cheveux noirs/bruns. En shape. 5'10 genre.
Messages: 1152
Inscrit le: Mer 19 Jan 2011 23:11

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar badou » Mer 23 Oct 2013 16:25

Jai un board north serie a vendre pour plm pas cher et je crois changer mon vw blanc pour autre chose.cest trop facile a reconnaitre.....le surf jamais entendu parlē
aero 16m naish,takoon skoop 9m, hydra 14m wipika,gk curl 15-18m,best bfk 21m,wipika matrix 13.5m ,cab switch 14m,north vegas 12m,slingshot fuel 14m,en c-kite! et now 7-9-12-14 north rebel pis c pas fini!
moi mon reve c okapulco avec 250 kites sur l'eau...
Messages: 680
Inscrit le: Mar 29 Juin 2010 17:25

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar Rotule » Mer 23 Oct 2013 16:27

Badou, ca doit être les stickers je savais pas que tu avais un VW :lol:
Kites: Core Section 4M, Core Section II 6M, GTS3 9M
Boards: Hydrofoil Moses Onda 633 71cm Avec une planche T22.
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Messages: 1049
Inscrit le: Sam 03 Déc 2011 14:01

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar scoutu » Jeu 24 Oct 2013 18:40

Ca peut être un char volé au Québec aussi. Personne c'est fait voler son char ?
Mes fesses sont plus grosses que les tiennes, moustachu, bedonnant.
Fait du kite depuis longtemps. Vendu F-One
Rider freeride, Des fois strapless mais chu pas ben bon.
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
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Messages: 804
Inscrit le: Dim 06 Juin 2010 13:30
Localisation: Montreal

Re: Quebecois recherchés ? 2 kiteboards volés au Cap.

Messagepar chiasson » Jeu 24 Oct 2013 20:10

Si cela s'avère vrai, on passe pour des..... pis pas à peu près! J'ai également vu un VW à Chateauguay, j'y porterais attention sans pour autant accuser, faut faire attention!
First finish, second finish first!
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Messages: 67
Inscrit le: Dim 03 Fév 2013 19:33

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