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ESSAIS - TESTS   >>   Cabrinha SB 2011 11m

Cabrinha SB 2011 11m

Messagepar Denis » Mar 27 Juil 2010 18:49

j'ai trouvé un review sur deja de la switchblade 2011 mais le kite n'est meme pas encore dispo. mais c'est seulement qu'une premiere impression. on apprends pas grand chose sauf qu'il y a qu'un seul point d'attache sur les arrieres (2 avant), et qu'il y a un spring pour ramener les cordes bungees vers le bas pour le depower.

Ils vont avoir la SB en 11m aussi, donc avaec l'ajout des impairs dans les plus petites grandeurs l'annee derniere, et l'ajout de la 11m cette annee, ca va etre facile de se faire un quiver aux 3m pour ceux qui le desirent.

Hey guys,

Let me tell you about my riding first.

180cm - 90kg
kiteboarding: 4yrs
style: freeride
board: nobile NHP 134
kite: SB 2010 12m

Yesterday was about 15-16kts i stopped at my local shop and grabbed a demo SB 2011 11m kite to take it for a spin.

1st thing i noticed was the bag improvement, now they have the board straps back again, something that i definitely missed from the last years... also the colour of the bag changed and not matched the colour of the kite... or at least wasn't black, [i haven't seen the other kite colours yet].

The kite looks awesome! the material seems a lot more resistant and light, looking at photos online i was kind of put off but the colours but looking it on the day light, the cabrinha camo style looks awesome!!!...

few things changed on the new model, the back lines now have only 1 attachment point and a little stabilising batten right at the tip of the wing...

the sprint inflation system looks more refined with a hose sleeve that goes all the way along the hose now...

in the air, the kite looks small compared to a 12m SB, but it's heaps faster and stable, so it's easy to generate power with it... in the beginning it felt a bit under power, compared to my 12m but it was just a matter to get used to it, [be in mind the wind was pretty light and the tide wasn't helping much ether...]

But i definitely can see this is going to be a really fun kite when the wind is around 18-20 knots... good kite for waves too as it turns supper fast.

the bar is a bit different this year, they added a spring to keep the de-power straps at reach without having that clip on the centre line, that you have to adjust down every time you let the bar go, now the spring will always push those straps down...

the little balls on the straps seem a fraction bigger, i didn't compared to my ones, but if they are, it will be easier to hold and pull down on windy days...

the lines on the bar are different, they look more stiff and tangle free, but they won't create kinks on it if you bend them...

Relaunch was really easy like all the cabrinha kites, but i was kite impressed even on light wind like yesterday i didn't had any problems with it...

I was out for about 1hr, and i had a lot of fun with it, just wish the wind was a fraction stronger... so i could try some jumps and stuff...

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Inscrit le: Sam 18 Sep 2010 01:56

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